About Me
☘ Origin: Old World tropics, especially Africa
☘ Family: Asparagus
☘ Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans
☘ Common Name(s): Striped-Leaf Dracaena · Cornstalk Dracaena · Corn Dracaena
This plant exhibits a great amount of variegated or livid green leaves, a color that is already believed to bring luck by its own. It symbolizes perseverance and knowledge of our inner-selves.
Name Story
The stem on Fragrant Dracaena is very similar to that of a corn, so it's called the Corn Plant.
Feng Shui
But when the iron tree is mentioned in Feng Shui, it most certain refers the the Dracaena. They can bloom flowers unpredictably, and when they do, it is seen as an auspicious sign of good luck.
Interesting Facts
☘ Its glossy green foliage that resembles corn leaves grow on top of a thick cane, which is why the plant is sometimes called “false palm tree”.
☘ The Dracaena is an oldie but goodie in the houseplant industry. Europeans have been using these tropical African evergreen trees as indoor plants since the mid-1800s.
☘ It remains popular today because it possesses the single most important quality in an indoor plant: attractiveness and forgiving.
Health Benefits
☘ Dracaena is a top performer in NASA’s clean air study, and one of the most effective houseplants in air purification.
☘ It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. These are chemicals linked with several health problems among them headaches, respiratory problems, anemia, marrow disease, kidney disease among others.
☘ Nevertheless, Dracaenas increases concentration and sharpens Focus, increases Humidity and absorbs Lead (Pb).
🡪 Care Guide 101
About Me
☘ Origin: Old World tropics, especially Africa
☘ Family: Asparagus
☘ Botanical Name: Dracaena fragrans
☘ Common Name(s): Striped-Leaf Dracaena · Cornstalk Dracaena · Corn Dracaena
This plant exhibits a great amount of variegated or livid green leaves, a color that is already believed to bring luck by its own. It symbolizes perseverance and knowledge of our inner-selves.
Name Story
The stem on Fragrant Dracaena is very similar to that of a corn, so it's called the Corn Plant.
Feng Shui
But when the iron tree is mentioned in Feng Shui, it most certain refers the the Dracaena. They can bloom flowers unpredictably, and when they do, it is seen as an auspicious sign of good luck.
Interesting Facts
☘ Its glossy green foliage that resembles corn leaves grow on top of a thick cane, which is why the plant is sometimes called “false palm tree”.
☘ The Dracaena is an oldie but goodie in the houseplant industry. Europeans have been using these tropical African evergreen trees as indoor plants since the mid-1800s.
☘ It remains popular today because it possesses the single most important quality in an indoor plant: attractiveness and forgiving.
Health Benefits
☘ Dracaena is a top performer in NASA’s clean air study, and one of the most effective houseplants in air purification.
☘ It helps remove formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. These are chemicals linked with several health problems among them headaches, respiratory problems, anemia, marrow disease, kidney disease among others.
☘ Nevertheless, Dracaenas increases concentration and sharpens Focus, increases Humidity and absorbs Lead (Pb).